Saturday 1 April 2017

Typical Husband Syndrome Which You Easily Relate Being A Wife

Husband might be the most loving and caring person on the earth and all the time worried about you. He might call you thousand times in a day to know your whereabouts or what you doing to show their concern, but, he is the one who can anytime annoy you with thousand other reasons. All Indian husbands have some supper qualities, which are common in all and annoy most of the wives. Your husband must have some traits which you can relate as typical husband syndrome. Here, we are sharing a few with you which we think are common in most of the Indian husbands.

Always mama’s boy: Whether he is in his twenties, thirties or in his fifties, he is and will always a mama’s boy. Whatever his mother says, does, she is always right. She can never go wrong. You can’t expect him doing anything which is not approved by his mother.

Listening disorder: You ask him ten different things at a time, but he will listen to only the thing, which is related to him or falls under their comfort zone. Rest of the things is just waste for him. They might easily hear that you cooked something nice for him, but if you ask them to help you in organizing the things on table, he will behave that he has never heard it.

Going to in-laws means high-fever: Whether it is being a few months or year, whenever you ask him to accompany you to your home, he always has some or other reasons to avoid the visit. However, he is treated as the kind at their-in-laws place, still he doesn’t miss giving all the lame excuses to avoid accompanying you.

Going out for shopping with you sounds really painful to them: Whenever you ask him to accompany you in shopping, they will behave like you asked something out of box. However, shopping is always fun and gives you a good feeling, but for them it is something waste of time and tiring. So, they will postpone it or avoid going with you.

House is like a dumping place: Your whole house is dumping place for him. It might be you have asked him to put his shoe in rack or put his laptop in place, but he will do it his way only. He will keep his things wherever he wants, you can’t make him change this habit.

Want to eat something delicious and new on every weekend: The one question which he will keep on asking you on everything weekend without a miss, what are you going to cook during weekend? Or he wants to eat something delicious and special over the weekend.

The wet towel has to be on the bed: Whether you have asked him million times not to repeat this and drop the towel on bed, but for him bed is the right place to leave the wet towel. No matter, whether it is fully wet or water droplets are dripping of it, still for him the obvious right place is bed only.

Inability to find anything in house: No matter you have told him million times where you have kept his things, but, he will never find anything by himself. He always needs your help to find the things or he will always ask you to give him that thing as he is unable to find it. marriage matrimony site offers profiles of boys and girls looking for wedding. Search your life partner thousands of verified matches.

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