Thursday 8 January 2015

Cultural Safety of Girls is Responsibility of Nation

Culture of the society depends on the nature and origin of the human in that specific region. The organization structure of the society can be established to refine the quality of living to the people. This kind of the structure of in the human society is referred to the culture of the state and city. We can take the note for the relation of the culture with family value to balance the overall roll of the state. The better of social life of the state of country always starts from the family of the nation. 

Every of family behavior of the state binds with certain value which encourages the social life of the people. Better human index can develop on the basis of the extended hand to hand of brotherhood. Today the world is looking for the safety, stability, unity and discipline for the improvement of the global humanity. God is the creator but we must the value of human index which could be utilized for the entire world. Every social issue is interlinked with almost every people of the community. We should respect the family value for every person to get better structural behavior of the people.

A family starts from the woman or girl who is creator of the human to the world. She is the center of the family to support the cultural value of all the members. Culture of the society is directed affected to every woman living in the same society. The education, health, lifestyle of the woman is always helpful to improve the living standard of the nation. So safety of woman or girl child is so much important to the modification of the society and family. The girl should be respected at every parts of the nation with all necessary steps for the ensuring their social safety. 

Woman is the future resources of the nation which must be secured at all the points of living. It is also noted that the boys and men should give due respect to their fare gender to make them feel safe. The govt. should be proper steps as law and order situation to help the woman empowerment. Once the woman are safety, so they can be improved the social activities on education, health of the nation security. Everyone should know that all the women are just like their own mother or sister. 

There is social relation between the man and woman as husband and wife to start-up with new family. So people looking for bride and groom can search online Indian matrimonial sites to find their suitable life partner.

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